Friday 31 October 2014


The Collectibles, pen and ink on printed card, Artist : Soumen Bhowmick, 2014

What else you want to collect for mere existence in this station hole, called home. Starting with the day we first breathe in, the pursuit of collection starts. Collect kisses, embraces, get that rare bottle of single malt, have the latest gizmos, the shining stones and few more dollars

Not happy with that…want more, go for it man grab those fast cars, pluck those juicy lips, smother those fickle beautiful bodies, marry the most gorgeous, give birth to the most happening, wear all those labels, go ahead make my day buddy. The big, the bad, the shining, the loudest and the beautiful, collectibles galore in this world of fickle moments of existence. Have them all.

Put a stamp of ‘I’ and ‘MINE’ in all things you can lay your eyes on. Collecting moments of glory is the best pass-time. Success has to be there or else you die. Failure is a crime, punishable with insult hurled upon the demoralized soul. Collect glory at all cost. Everything is now. The time has come to grab your moment. The light is low and the stage is crowded, so hurry. Push the weak and be mean. Collecting all and the best should be your paramount thought forever.

Finally just dug out your soul and lay it on the dirt and stomp on it hard, really hard…just kill the damn thing!

By : Soumen Bhowmick
October, 2014

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